What is it with me and comments?
I feel like I have all sorts of substantive things to say about the issues of the day, but looking over the comments I've posted to other blogs recently, it seems like I rarely bother unless it's to post something pedantic about other people's pedantry. The inability of most native speakers to correctly write the English language depresses me (and makes my job harder because I have to find a way to adjust my machine translation grammar parser to accomodate the mistakes) but I feel like I could deal with all the misplaced apostrophe's[sic] and mispelings[sic] if it weren't for the pedants who go on about nonsense like split infinitives and sentence ending prepositions and which vs. that. Of all the offensive things out there begging for comments, why is it this that moves me? (Though I gotta say I felt validated when blogospheric superhero and uberbabe Belle reacted the same way to the "whomever" business.) Militantly anti-pedant pedantry, that's what the world desperately needs today.